Broadcast partner for Rewire's context programme, live from The Grey Space →
Stichting CPNB, Das Mag, boekhandel van Gennep en Frontaal (in WORM!!) slaan handen ineen voor eerste Boekenweekfestival... →
Vooruitstrevende kunst, performances & drugs in Rotterdam 8 - 12 februari 2023 →
12 MAY | WORM extravaganza night as part of Lente Kabinet festival 2022 →
O Festival - May 2021 - Blog #1 - O.Lab - Tobias Kokkelmans →
Interview with Mariette Groot on the International Womens Day Festivals in WORM →
An overview of WORM's Afrofuturism Now! Festival in October 2015. →
WORM news archive - BUZZIN': VXF 'Festival / Residency' in WORM - Februari 2021 - Aankondiging Januari 2020 →
An appreciation of WORM's last pre-lockdown event 12-3-2020 →
WORM news archive - WORM at Konvooi Art Festival, Brugge,BE 2019 →
Review of WORM X MAMA CASH X KONTRA Feminist festival 7-8 March 2020 →
New year’s address: from Charlien Adriaenssens and Teun de Booij. →
Nieuwjaarstoespraak: van WORM co-directors Charlien Adriaenssens en Teun de Booij. →
Fem Fest 2025 - Step Up - Celebrating 50 years of feminism in Rotterdam →
Create games IRL with other creatives! deadline 6 October →
Rotterdam’s legendary venue WORM celebrates 25 years of existence / September programme showcases contemporary “glo... →
Live from from 19:00 to 22:00 on Radio WORM, on IBB Radio and at Kunsthal! →
Secret Chiefs, Mabe Fratti, Space Lady! WORM 25 brings you recordings of some legendary gigs here! →
A series of interviews with WORM friends and partners in our 25th year! →
WORM 25 a series of interviews with WORM friends and partners! Epifania Queta →
In its 25th year, WORM celebrates! →
holding space for community & learning on the deck →
cinema and the deconstruction and reappropriation of feminine archetypes. →
indulge in the cinematic wonders meticulously picked for you by IFFR & WORM (30 jan - 2 feb) →
WORM welcomes new business and artistic directors →
held on 07/05/2023 →
Sound Studio Residency and Performance →
Listen in to Radio WORM's activities, summer 2023. →
Music television for the underground masses: made in WORM! →
APPLY NOW. Deadline is the 14th of August! →
We are looking for volunteers to act as the first point of contact for our visitors and artists. →
WORM and KONTRA celebrate 5 Years of feminist activism in Rotterdam. →
WORM welcomes Ayu Lestari as new Head of Programming at WORM →
WORM kondigt met plezier Johan Gijsen aan als interim bestuurder. →
Meet the Pijper 2022 artists: Nina Künzel →
Give a workshop, talk or have your stall at this year's Rotterdam Zine Festival →
FULL PROGRAMME by Thais Di Marco | 14 - 17 Sep →
Eerbetoon aan Rotterdamse modernist Willem Pijper najaar 2022. Evenementen in WORM en andere plekken. →
Thais Di Marco & Chiriro Guezebroek on the potential social role of art in the face of catastrophes →
On 11 june Tomer Baruch will play pieces of his latest album Synthesized Sounds of the Sea. →
Wil je ons team komen versterken? Je kan solliciteren t/m 20 september. →
O.Blog #1 voor de 2022 editie, van festival dramaturg, Joost Heijthuijsen. →
Hajo Doorn and Louis van der Waal Hajo have created the theatre show Gabber4Life (a fairy tale). Catch this at O. in Ma... →
audiovisual concert of Mári Mákó’s debut album. It is a sonic journey of finding inner strength through crisis and ... →
Performative Exhibition by Radio Stasis (12 May | 19h - 22h | FREE) →
Official Project Page →
Biography →
An eleven-hour radio show, through Sunday night and Monday morning →
Creative Europe Funding for SPECTRAL, a 4-year groundbreaking sustainable project dedicated to Extended Cinematic Art. →
KONTRA curates feminist futurists in a new virtual gallery enviroment. →
#Klangendum: Marta de Pascalis over the creative process from her sessions at WORM Sound Studio →
Peruvian sound artist Sajjra Xhrs Galarreta presents a piece related to “Melismas (voices modulated by Anatolian lands... →
Precy Numbi and Michiel Robberecht find common ground at WORM Touch, during Art Central Rotterdam →
Radio WORM gigs and special events in the #Wunderbar →
SNACKBAR; a new series for Dutch + Belgian acts on a Tuesday night in WORM Central Station →
Tom Marshall runs Impact Bootcamp, which will visit UBIK on 24 October 2021 →
This year the Cinema Colombiano festival was dedicated to female, non-binary and trans makers from Colombia! →
WORM new finance worker: Laine Dindone →
WORM Pirate Bay's new intern tells you about his love for films, friendship, and new adventures. →
The weekly schedule for Radio WORM, 13.09.21—19.09.21 →
WORM and The Quietus's Richard Foster interviews Thomas Azier about his performance in UBIK at O. Festival. →
Article on de Vakschool (internship project of Lukas Jansen) →
Watch Internet the Musical for free via Zoom. 26 August 2021. →
O.'s Dutch language podcast series: Zijn Ze Nou Helemaal Bevlogen? Guest: Anouk Beugels →
Geschiedenis van Baroeg #3 →
Our international (online) meeting @WORM were an amazing two days – check out the look back video and sign up for next... →
News: 29-05-2021: The Cinema Colombiano organisation talk about their stance on the current developments in Colombia →
Residency and collaboration initiatied, recorded, mixed edited by Francesco Zedde and Rodrigo Ferreira at WORM Sound Stu... →
O. Festival - video shoot for the Makers Pitches April 2021 →
Joeri van Spijk - Creatief producent O. Professionals Programme schrijft over de (inter)nationale opera- en muziektheate... →
Poetic Resistance Maker: Martin Rombouts (Explore the North) UBIK April-May 2021 →
O Festival 2021 - Blog #2 - Persbericht Festivaleditie 2021 verplaatst van mei naar augustus →
How WORM and KONTRA pulled off FEM FEST in the midst of the pandemic of the century? Read here. →
Rotterdam Legends Vanita and Johana Monk teach a workshop on improve music. Do you have what it takes? →
The battles you missed during the online voguing ball of 2021 →
FEM FEST Film Screening and The female gaze in sexploitation from the '60s until today. →
O. Festival - May 2021 - Startpunt - WORM X O. →
WORM interviews sustainability activist entrepreneur Fons Burger about WORM's ongoing sustainability projects. →
Interview with “composer in residence” Roel Weerdenburg, resident artist at Wunderplatz x SKILLS project in Wunderba... →
WORM news archive - WORM X KONTRA FEM FEST 2021, March 3-8 2021 →
WORM news archive - An overview of the WORM Avantgardistic Makers series of festivals Winter 2017 →
A look back on a pre lockdown Voguing Spectacular: The Infinite Kiki Function - 7 March 2020 →
An essay from WORM PR Head, Richard Foster, accompanying WORM's 2021 publication, WORM in Beweging. →
WORM news archive - WORM supports the Liefde Voor Muziek / Love For Music project. →
WORM plans for arts and performance programme 2020 including Not For Profit Art Party →
The WORM 23 story: - #2 - Richard Foster remembers the Les Harrys residency in 2016 →
WORM news archive - WORMKunst 2020 - Een Vooruitblik! Door Charlien Adriaensssens 2020 →
WORM news archive - WORM talks to Dame Fortune shop about Pierrot Le Fou and La Nouvelle Rave, in UBIK 2019 →
WORM news archive - Stichting WORM ontvangt een bijdrage van het Mondriaan Fonds 2019 →
WORM news archive - Daniel Johnston In Perspectief door Jan Hiddink 2019 →
Interview: Sanjay and Ahmed from Roffa Film Club 2019 →
WORM news archive - Ratkiller Comes to Rotterdam 2019 →
WORM news archive - Review of Cinema Colombiano June 2019 →
Interview: Nia Konstantinova is in conversation with Charlien Adriaenssens about her project, DamNed'Act. 2019 →
WORM news archive - WORM Sound Studios' Lukas Simonis with an overview of Klangendum at the Radiophrenia festival in Gla... →
WORM news archive - Het Stimuleringsfonds steunt Regenerative Feedback 2019 →
Reviews of Field Recordings, Requiem for the Avantgardistic State and WORM at Le Mini Who November 2018 →
WORM news archive - WORM reviews its focus on the local Cool district through new neighbourhood initiatives - October 20... →
WORM news archive - WORM Sound Studios' Lukas Simonis with an overview of Klangendum Radio #1 - 2017 →
WORM news archive - WORM at Moscow Music Week 2018 →
WORM news archive - WORM's Natalia Papaeva wins KABK Department Prize 2018 →
WORM news archive - New name for our Women's Day Celebration: RE#SISTER ! 2018 →
WORM news archive - WORM goes to KINACT in DRC - Call For Papers 2018 →
WORM news archive - WORM wins Best Podium: (VNPF - De IJzeren Podiumdieren) 2018 →
WORM news archive - WORM Residency at Hull City of Culture 2017 →
Tess Martin runs Manifest, a regular show and tell night at WORM, one based around the world of animation. →
WunderPlatz x SKILLS project: quantum mechanic P. Chris Spruijtenburg restores WORM’s Arcade Games, Jan 2021 →
Lisa Chudalla IMACO residency in UBIK summer 2020. Interview By Marta Franzoso. →
Iris van Wijk IMACO residency in UBIK Summer 2020. Interview By Marta Franzoso. →
MINT Summer 2020 residency, WORM S/ash Gallery →
Marta Wörner IMACO residency in UBIK Summer 2020. Interview By Marta Franzoso. →
Yannick Verhoeven talks about his time working with Mash P in WORM Sound Studios + Way Out Sound Studios in Sierra Leone... →
Rodrigo Cardoso design intern 2020 talks about creating an online platform for all WORM activities →
Mariëtte Groot interviewed about RE#SISTER, a music-making organisation for women, trans and non-binary people of all ... →
Interview: Jenya Gorbunov (RU) residency WORM Sound Studios November 2019 →
Kate Shilonosova dance residency in UBIK, November 2018 →
Natalie Sharp - The Lone Taxidermist (UK) residency, WORM Sound Studios and UBIK, March 2018 →
Victoria Shen residency, WORM Sound Studios, March 2018 →
Moor Mother and Rasheeda Phillips residency, WORM Sound Studios, August 2016 →
Les Harry's (FR) Residency: WORM Sound Studios June 2016 →
Los Siquitos Literaleños residency: WORM Sound Studios October, 2016 →
Steve Bates residency: WORM Sound Studios September, 2016. →
KINACT - DAMNEDACT - Connection // Kinaction - Charlien Adriaenssens Interview →
Een radiofonische Geluidswandeling in twee delen door Charleroi BE. →
Radio WORM from 2001-2010 was a monthly publication on CD made specifically for the medium of radio. →
published on 6-03-2024 RADIO WORM Goes to ... REWIRE →
published on 7-02-2024 WORM celebrates International Women’s Day with our annual festival around the 8th of March. →
published on 21-09-2023 Multidisciplinary festival held 12-30 July, 2023 →
published on 11-09-2023 Interdisciplinary research festival dedicated to answering the absurd question: Can improvisation be documented? →
published on 14-04-2022 O. A FESTIVAL FOR OPERA. MUSIC. THEATRE. Introducing 2022's edition and a video look back at 2021 →
published on 8-02-2022 The Feminist Festival of Rotterdam 4 - 8 March 2022! →
published on 8-12-2021 Selected Press & Publications →
published on 15-04-2021 How WORM and KONTRA pulled off FEM FEST in the midst of the pandemic of the century? Read here. →
published on 13-04-2021 WORM asked O. (a festival for Opera. Music. Theatre, August 2021) how to plan an event that may not yet happen? →
published on 8-02-2021 Eurofuturism - WORM's manifesto 2015-16 →
published on 11-01-2021 WORM at Liverpool Sound City 2018 →
UBIK is WORM’s playground for performance artists and those who research the art of performance in its broadest sense.... →
S/ash Gallery is an exhibition space for fast changing presentations, small scale performance events, workshops and arti... →
WORM SOUND STUDIOS and the WAVEFORM RESEARCH CENTRE are internationally celebrated production spaces. →
WORM's structure, activities and financial standing. →
The WORM Pirate Bay Archive invites you to sail through our eclectic collection of avant-garde media, zines, books, DVDs... →
WORM partners →