Fem Fest 2021: Opening Night – Feminist Cult Films

Festival - Wed 3 March 2021
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 20:30
End → 22:00

Feminist Cult Film Night| 20:30 – 21:30
The Female Perspective on Sexploitation

A compilation programme with film fragments, short films and talks bringing female film makers to the front who followed their own path in the erotic film industry. The genre that is called Sexploitation, and had its heydays in the 1960s and 1970s has always been dominated by men and therefore mostly characterized by a stereotypical representation of women.
We will have informal talks about the male gaze vs the female perspective, power mechanisms and the artist’s approach to making so-called B-movies.
Names of guests and filmmakers will be announced soon!
There is a small fee for the event: 2.50 euro. The link to the event and password are featured on the tickets.
Get your tickets here: https://worm.stager.nl/web/tickets/111037151

How do we live in a world that keeps changing but keeps struggling for the same causes? How does it make you feel living in today’s society when it still has to be pointed out that we are all humans, entities sharing the same “house”; that being a womxn, a queer, a child, or just a person should be seen as a unique existence equally respected and appreciated in this world?

To be able to reach an equal and inclusive society for everyone, we first have to recognise that we are all the same but also different. We should be seen the same when it comes to society, as we are all human beings, yet of course, we are different when it comes to feelings and needs. And thus, space has to be created for the Other to be included, in order to be represented, while also fitting everyone’s needs to the ensemble and focus on transcending ourselves to comprehend each other.

KONTRA, for this year’s Fem Fest, curates an exhibition reflecting on the notion of identity in today’s society, as well as the femxle’s position and constructed image, looking towards a future where transcending social construction is the key in tearing apart stereotypes and creating coexistence.

**SILKWORM (Curated by Squish) **
Silkworm is to show and question ways used by queer artists to escape reality and/or create a safe and dreamy bubble around them. That exhibition is a reaction to the COVID-19 situation we are all experiencing while seeking to create a soothing space where queer artists could show how they deal with the isolation, resulting from both COVID-19 and heteronormativity.

Squish is a young Rotterdam based organization, run by queer artists and creatives who want to support their community, creating safer recreative/gathering spaces while communicating on the political meaning of sexual and gender minorities. Squish organizes multidisciplinary events imbricating visual arts, performances, parties and identity politics. From March 2021, the collective will run weekly podcasts and DJ sets on WORM radio. Every Thursday from 18h to 19h, members of the team will tackle topics related to queer identities and queer culture, and sometimes introduce creatives from the local LGBTQ community.