FIlm - Wed 1 November 2023
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 20:30
End → 23:00

By Todd Solondz
2004, USA, 100min., English with Dutch subtitles

Palindromes centres around Aviva, a young girl with a strong desire for motherhood. Despite her age, she believes she’s ready for the responsibilities of parenthood. However, when she becomes pregnant, her family strongly opposes her choice, insisting on abortion as the sole solution. After the procedure, Aviva decides to run away from home and subsequently embarks on a journey filled with challenges and self-discovery. In the film the 12-year-old protagonist is uniquely played by eight different actors of varying ages, races, and genders. Despite later earning critical acclaim, Todd Solondz initially encountered considerable difficulties securing funding for the film, leading him to personally finance a significant portion of the project.

Todd Solondz, an American filmmaker, is recognized for his daring and often controversial approach to storytelling. He is celebrated for his ability to tackle uncomfortable subjects, challenging societal norms, and provoking discussions about the human condition. His films, including "Welcome to the Dollhouse" and "Happiness," have earned critical acclaim at Cannes, Sundance, or Venice Film Festivals to name a few.

Followed by a live Q&A with filmmaker Todd Solondz!

The film is the third part of OS MUTANTES series at WORM. Inspired by Theresa Villaverde’s film of the same name, we use the concept of the mutant as a way to reframe growing up as a transformative process, rather than the typical "coming of age" narrative that often feels focused on individual success and self-improvement. The series includes films by Catharine Breillat, Lucrecia Martel, Paul B. Preciado, Gregg Araki, and many others.