Listen HERE to Radio WORM.
Maandag 28 juni
1200 Rewind Even terugspoelen, Repeat rewind; Nynke in gesprek over met kunstenaars in de stad over historie met hulp van muziek, attributen en stories wordt het verleden weer opgewekt.
1300 Omwijs Op zoek naar inspiratiebronnen. Met Ruurd & Tim.
1400 ROTTERDAM BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL RADIO Guido De Groot praat en draait de nodige bluegrass muziek
1600 random radio
1700 HERRIE BIJ DE KOFFIE; Alterations, tensions, propulsions, and responses. A fortnightly interface between sound and resistance with Aleksandra.
1900 t.s.i.a.d.o.w. With Ege Şahin; an assemblage of live-electronic improv, ambient music and dazed poetry where the sea is a desert of waves.
2000 Nightly Manifesto. Two queer humans trying to learn with, grow with and inform with a variety of voices. Something dug up. Embodied knowledge? Something brought up. Unheard Research? Something nurtured. Thoughtful growth? Tackling bias? We think through talking, and seek to reimagine the status quo. With room for error of course.
2100u random radio
2200u 10 voor 010 Rotterdam 10 toffe nummers van Rotterdamse bodem met Thomas Harteveld.