Rotterdam Unlimited: Story Unlimited

Rental - Wed 27 July 2022
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 19:30
End → 01:00

Rotterdam Unlimited is one of the largest, and most exuberant and diverse of free street festivals in the Netherlands: its core inclusivity is captured in the tagline: "urban everybody." Taking place annually over five days at the end of July, Rotterdam Unlimited consists of several programmes: with in- and outdoor stages hosting live concerts, soundsystems, the iconic SummerCarnival parade, Rueda de Casino, various pre- and afterparties and the famous festival market, called MERCADO. Rotterdam Unlimited reflects the incredible wealth of the city’s music scene, with live electronics, soca, hiphop, soul, R&N drum n’ bass and jungle and hybrids of all that reflect new generations of music fans.

Story Unlimited
On Wednesday 28 July, we have the scoop of the year (for the Netherlands at least) with the showcase of a new genre within the spoken word field: EXTEMPO. It is also called the calypso variant of Spoken or freestyle rap. A battle is called a ‘war’ and the winners are Monarchs and Emperors. Extempo is a typical product of the Carnival in Trinidad & Tobago. Tonight, a UK-based band conducted by Robert Bailey (Osibisa) will accompany two authentic extempo Monarchs, all the way from Trinidad &Tobago Mighty Lingo and Tobago Crusoe, who will become embroiled in an EXTEMPO ‘war’.

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Times (Approx)
Spoken Artists olv Paul Middellijn: 19.30 – 21.00 uur
Battle of the Monarchs: 21.30 – 23.00 uur
DJ: 23.00 – 01.00 uur