Radio WORM Blog: Wednesday Doesn’t Exist with BenKult

No doubt we humans are in need of constant reassurance of the ‘whatwhyhow’. Especially when we are taking steps towards accepting each other without losing control of our own thoughts, whilst still being unable to make any sense out of life.

Breaking this down to WORM’s radio making experience for me, it was instructive to listen to the way Lieuwe Zelle and Lukas Simonis believe in the creative power of all the content makers involved. And how they encouraged us to use this platform as our own, live space to reflect on cultural, socio-ecological, musical, artistic and critical views; without stressing out about them. To be able to be uncanny, to express a new need of our generations’ inventiveness in times like this last eighteen months, when radio making was the only way to “perform”’ for the majority of the WORM makers. It appeals to me that WORM radio making is a “live” mirror on unconscious solitude.


I started to look at my radio show as a platform and opportunity for sharing time and space with other freaks, pirates of multimedia, sine-wave riders and music diggers as well as opening up for takeovers.

The radio studio truly allows you to create your own little island during your show in the heart of the building, located in the former WORM Pirate Bay. So far, I have faced plenty of ‘trial and error’ situations; it always has been a learning process. I am super lucky to have my show on Wednesdays after “Cinema Colombiano” with Yo and Sebastian, because they are the loveliest to take over the studio from. The place is always filled with warmth and uplifting energy.

What’s next...

Upcoming takeovers are planned with people connected to ‘Radio Študent’ in Ljubljana, entitled SLAV Takeover. The first episode of this collaboration was hosted by Ana Brumat and Blaž Pavlica, two old Slav comrades reunited in The Netherlands due to random events in their lives.  Here you can find the first episode, the  SLAV takeover

Otherwise, you can always expect some moments of ambient music, or ill-fitting genre confusions, or talks about my plants’ actual states every on “Wednesday Doesn’t Exist with BenKult” 1800-2000(CET)

Don’t ya forget to TUNEin and drop out on Radio WORM

As told to Sara Hilterman.  Photos courtesy of Sara Hilterman.