Radio WORM makers: Tisa Neža Herlec

The Side Entrance is a radio show where Tisa N. Herlec encounters and interviews improvisers, mostly musicians. We enter into their sonic and conceptual worlds through the side entrance – listening to their sound materializations – recordings and compositions – and engaging in a discursive flow filled with questions and statements that their practices offer. We explore the mechanisms that enable improvisation, the state of flow, dynamics between players and much more.

Fridays 16-17u, listen here.

You can find episodes of The Side Entrance on Mixcloud, and find more of Tisa’s work on Soundcloud, Instagram and also on her website.


Tisa Neža Herlec (1996, Ljubljana, SI) communicates, organizes, writes, performs and creates imaginaries (with sound, voice, in texts and images). Collaboration, processuality and the friction between structures ignite her inspiration. She is a thinker and a practitioner of the praxis of improvisation, exploring its emancipatory potentials. She obtained her masters diploma in Experimental Publishing at PZI in Rotterdam, and her bachelor in painting at the ALUO in Ljubljana. She performs, exhibits and publishes around Europe, currently she is based in Rotterdam, NL.

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