Radio WORM makers: Moritz Geremus

Electronic Merz

Electronic Merz is a weekly radio show for underground/electronic music with dj-sets by Moritz aka E-mertz + guests. Digging in his collection from over 15 years of djing expect sounds from the deeper side of electronic club music with occasional excursions into noise, ambient and broken beats.

Having this weekly show as a musical backbone, Electronic Merz also aims to extend its activities towards being a label that publishes music & experimental software on usb-stick. Keep an eye on the show’s website for more info!


Moritz aka E-merz is a dj, musician and program maker in the field of music and media art. Hailing from Vienna he started playing at hiphop and drum and bass parties in his late teens. After moving to NL for study, he worked on several media art projects, set up art & music parties with his collective Fauna, and more recently published the 9-part podcast Caffeine Radio. His own technoid music productions will eventually find their way into the show itself.
