Use Knife + Bhajan Bhoy + Terrie Hessels and Ken Vandermark

Concert - Fri 8 September 2023
WORM Rotterdam
Doors → 09:25
Start → 20:15
End → 23:30

Ghent’s Use Knife are one of the most exciting acts we have come across in 2023. They make pulsating, thought-provoking music that harks to a multitude of sources and intelligences, and present an overwhelming live show that is usually conducted behind a huge screen, onto which mesmerising images are projected. Use Knife is the alter ego of Stef Heeren and Kwinten Mordijck from Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat. The duo share a love for analogue modular synthesizers and electronic outsider music. The line up is completed by the Iraqi musician and singer, Saif Al-Qaissy and the Antwerp-based visual artist, Youniss Ahamad.

"Heeren, Mordijck, and Al-Qaissy operate in a territory occupied by few. Instead of merely collecting and layering influences from the East and the West, they coalesce the disparate cultural and artistic strains into new expressions that belong to both worlds but are bound to neither of them." The Quietus.

Two other stellar acts finish the line up: Bhajan Bhoy is the alter ego of longtime WORM friend and musical wanderer, Ajay Saggar. Transcendental drones and blissed-out free rock passages inform this much-lauded project.


And Terrie Hessels and Ken Vandermark should need no introduction for WORM crowd! We expect inverted improvisations avant la lettre!

This gig marks the end of Richard Foster’s time as a programmner at WORM!