For English see below
Please note: the languages spoken in the film are partly German, partly English, subtitles in Dutch.
Hoe zou een samenleving eruit kunnen zien die de klimaatverandering kan tegengaan?
Starring: Andreas Malm, Julia Steinberger, Esteban Servat, Matthias Schmelzer, klimaatactivisten van Ende Gelände, FridaysForFuture, Extinction Rebellion, the AngryWorkers collective, werknemers van Amazon, Omas gegen Rechts en the Mexican National Indigenous Congress CNI.
Director and producer: Johanna Schellhagen for
Het eerste deel van de film gaat over de feiten: waarom is de CO2 uitstoot niet gedaald sinds de VN klimaatconferenties begonnen? Erger nog: de uitstoot is explosief gestegen. We hebben dus 30 jaar tijd verspild om er iets aan te doen.
De film gaat in op het idee van “green capitalism”, het dogma van economische groei en hoe landen zich afhankelijk maken van de wereldmarkt. Verder leggen de wetenschappers uit hoe de uitputting van grondstoffen een transitie naar hernieuwbare energie noodzakelijk maakt. Op welk punt staan we nu? Wat moet er veranderen?
In het tweede deel van de film wordt gevisualiseerd hoe een samenleving die de kllimaatcrisis op een verantwoorde manier kan aanpakken eruit zou kunnen zien.
Na afloop van de film gaan een aantal, speciaal hiervoor uitgenodigde gasten, o.a. van Milieudefensie Rotterdam, Netwerk Klimaat FNV en Extinction Rebellion Rotterdam, het gesprek aan met het publiek en met elkaar. Alle meningen zijn welkom dus doe vooral mee!
How could a society look that is able to mitigate climate change? And how can we build it?
The film starts with the question why the CO2 emissions did not decrease since the beginning of UN climate conferences: why have we lost 30 years?
It discusses the problems of “green capitalism”: the need for economic growth inherent to capitalist economies, and the dependence of nation states on economic success on the world market. In this context, we assess the potential of renewable energies and other technological fixes, given the problems of resource depletion.
We ask scientists to describe the consequences of unmitigated climate change: at what point are we now? How do things have to change?
In the second part we depict what in the global climate movement is called “System Change”. How would a society capable of dealing with the problem of climate change more responsibly look?
After the screening, a number of specially invited guests including the Rotterdam departments of Milieudefensie, Netwerk Klimaat FNV, and Extinction Rebellion will engage in a discussion with the audience and amongst themselves. All opinions are welcome, so feel free to join in!
About is a collective of women who have started to film struggles at the workplace and in the street. Their on-line platform can be seen as an archive of by now 900 films from 56 different countries. Every year about 50 new ones are added.
Voices from the press:
"Very worth watching!" – Deutschlandfunk Kultur
"Constructive handout for greater understanding and radical rethinking" – Missy Magazin
"Not another film about the effects of the climate crisis. You will also look in vain for instructions on how to live a climate-neutral life through technical solutions." – Telepolis
"An astonishing number of terms describing this new society make aged GDR hearts beat faster." – jungeWelt
"…understands capital not as a fateful natural phenomenon, but as a social relationship. As one that can and must be overcome." – nd
"The film makes clear that workers have the power to change their conditions and society." direkte aktion
"As a climate movement, we must stop expecting help from institutions that pour oil on the fire." – taz
"The film is an offer for discussion to the climate movement, because it shows the possibilities that a joint action of wage earners and climate activists would open up." graswurzelrevolution
"…shows ways for those who are not content to wait for the end of capitalism." hessischer rundfunk
"Mobilising in the best sense." wildcat 110
"Instead of becoming a journalist and ending up at Springer, you can also work in a factory and prepare for the revolution, says Johanna Schellhagen" analyse & kritik