Sonoscopia + Hansko Visser

Instrumenten Bouwers United
Concert - Sat 27 May 2023
WORM Rotterdam
Doors → 13:25
Start → 20:30
End → 22:30

An evening with Instrumentbuilders/musicians & their instant composition skills

This is a trio from Portugal, Porto, doing a residency in WORM. They run a place in Porto under the same name that is open voor experimentalists of all directions & influences, as a venue as well as a residency place. This is what they say about their concept;

"…Sonoscopy is a space for reflection and creation, where the confluence of different ways of thinking and acting is one of its main strengths. Over the last few years we have made an effort to create a space where various artists related to experimental, improvised and electroacoustic music can cross ideas and develop consistent works in a physical space that brings together decent technical and human conditions. We believe that it is this dynamic that allows not only the creative collective of Sonoscopy to evolve, but also that the whole logic of framing with local and national creators can duly assert itself in an international network of creators…"

Hansko Visser
Composer and musician Hansko Visser -Plan Kruutntone- has been building instruments for a long time. They are usually based on a “conventional” instrument, but the sounds give a radically different result. Materials include wood, strings, stone, metal, skins, rather than electronic/digital. Hansko;;

"…ik kom
en speel op: most, hleb, tetra dizzent en krabetjeh

ik denk dat ik met Ruggero di Luisi kom, want ik wil liever geen
loops en of electronica gebruiken…. en wel graag samen spelen.
ik neem model Kurtic ook mee!
for Anna.

ik was al bezig met het (min of meer) schrijven van vier korte stukken aan de hand
van houtsnede s, over de oorlog, bij Butsja, Herson, Arhangelske…. Ik probeer dat af te maken.
In de hoop dat de oorlog eerder klaar is…

ik zal me tijdig scheren…