Reaper Workshop Seb Pap

Workshop - Sat 18 February 2023
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 11:30
End → 14:30

Reaper is a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and we like it because it can be used very simple by total amateurs or really intense by total Profs & anything in between. And the good news is also; it’s very cheap. So we asked Seb Pap -who is an addicted user of Reaper- to do 4 bi-weekly editions for anybody who is interested. The workshop is meant for anybody who wants to try it, and maybe needs it. So please don’t be shy, even if you don’t have a lot of experience, Seb Pap is almost the friendliest person we know, and besides that, he’s good in explaining. The workshop is in english. You can either just join 1 edition or turn up every time. Reserving is recommended as we have a limited number of participants.
The other dates are 4/03, 18/03, 1/04 (no joke). The workshop will last appr. 2/3 hours.

for questions & reservations you can also ask Seb;

For the workshop; bring a digital device (aka computer) with Reaper on it, plus headphones.

About Seb Pap;
Sebastian Pappalardo (eerie_ear) is a sound designer and creative coder based in Rotterdam. His background is in Film post production. He currently works as an educator, sound artist, creative coder and audio visual performer.
In this process he will share experiences he has gathered using Reaper extensively for the last 4 years, relying on free software to produce sound design, music, video and other AV production materials.

Program Outline

18/02 Sat 11.00



Routing in reaper.

Interfaces virtual and analogue

04/03 Sat 11.00

Vsts freeware processing

Sound design

18/03 Sat 11.00


Virtual and analogue devices

01/04 Sat 11.00

