Radio WORM #270

Broadcast - Tue 31 August 2021
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 11:00
End → 23:00

Dinsdag 31 augustus

1100 Smoothieman Comes Alive At the margins of experimental impro spiritism open source ectoplasmic. What is in de bottle of the Smoothyman? With Vincent Denieul & Lukas Simonis

1200 Weird part of the morning New sounds with Maciek Domaradzki

1300 An old and a new show from the radia network, a community of stations around the globe that make radio in new and forgotten ways.

1400 Dr Klangendum radio art & beyond, with Lukas Simonis

1500 Random radio

1800 Cycling Influences from cycling around the south of Rotterdam, preserved in a self sufficient way. With Dan Fogarty.

1900 **Pirate Bay presents: PLAYGROUND Radio w Miila

2000 MEMES a show by Allie & Francis about memes: what do they look like, how much you should feed ’em, how can they be kept safe & warm

2100 Drone Candy Uw gastheer is Reinhold Bogaard. Vandaag hebben we een gevarieerd programma met postrock, drone en ambient jazz. We gaan luisteren naar tracks van Tortoise, N en BOLT, en Bohren und der Club of Gore.

2200 Ever Widening Circles with Linus Bonduelle and Ash Kilmartin

2300 Electronic Merz with Moritz Geremus: The end of world could happen any week and this show will help you get accustomed to the thought. Electronic music from the spectrum of techno to noize and breakbeat. Live instruments are a possible visitor.