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Zaterdag 03 juli
1400 NEW! Tailbone Talks Art, Design, Queer Sex-Education, and Sex Tech with Roni Saftig
1500 NEW! Praten met de politie. Hoorspel en Analyse omtrent communicatietechnieken met oom agent. Door Repelsteeltje
1600 Postpeople Zone. We offer you the Postpeople’s professional service at radio showing. Saying things and hearing things that aren’t words will merge between your tiny ears. With Tracy Hanna & Dan Tuomey
1700 Spoken Situations A weekly podcast on WORM Radio where a variety of disciplines gather and mingle in a free-for-all noise filled event, with Jesse van Epenhuijsen
1800 2 hours with Virgil. Music, good music, better music, and music.
2000 Malafide Records. De clubcultuur naar voren brengend door middel van dj sets, interviews, en livesets. Door Max Creezee
2200 Dubdive Radio Interviews and live sets focused on deep dubstep, reggae and the rest with Todd Bryant