“Intercity: Live art on the street! Rotterdam x Chicago”, sees two organisations from the Netherlands (Performance Art Event) and Chicago (Out of Site artist collective) connecting 4 artists from both cities; enabling them to collaborate as duos on new performances.
Between January and August they talked about their practices, exchanged knowledge, came up with inspiration and questions, and in September they finalised their exchanges with performances on the streets of Rotterdam and Chicago, simultaneously. How to work together across an ocean, a timezone and a practice? Can we “be” in Chicago without taking a flight? Can we use online tools to connect and collaborate?
To join the only thing you need is a phone or laptop, and internet!
"As a programmer at WORM, and as an artist, I’ve always been fascinated by taking performance and art out of WORM’s walls. On the street you HAVE TO compromise, you can’t put everything into your own hands. I believe true experimentation happens on the street, in real-time." (Charlien Adriaenssens, WORM art and performance programme, WORM.)
19:00 – 20:30 CET: Kathrin Wolkowicz drawing from the waters near Maashaven, metro underpass.
12:00 – 13:30 CST: Regin Igloria drawing from the waters in Horner Park.
A performance piece on flowing, transitions, and bodies of water. Kathrin can be seen live under the Metro Maashaven, or followed online https://www.instagram.com/outofsite_chi/
20:00 – 22:00 CET: Contemporary Glory invites you to their hair gathering in NIFFO, Pretorialaan 4B.
13:00 – 15:00 CST: Sarah Beth Woods invites you to a hair gathering in Horner Park.
Extensions, actions, sounds, and spontaneous sculptures – open for participation. Contemporary Glory can be seen live at Niffo Recycle Studio, or followed online https://www.instagram.com/outofsite_chi/
What you get online is not a full performance, more like a happening you can join, 2 x 30-40 minutes of stream with a break in between. All performances are durational so you don’t have to watch them from start to end. We encourage people from Rotterdam to go out on the street and join the performers live!
Intercity is a project by Out of Site (Chicago) & PAE (NL) in collaboration with Chicago Park District (Chicago), WORM (Rotterdam) and Experimental Sound Studio (Chicago)
More info: performanceartevent.nl | flowsymposium.org | WORM
With thanks to: Out of Site, PAE, Park District, WORM, Experimental Sound Studio, Prince Bernhard Culture Fund, Artist Run Chicago Fund, Mondrian Fund, Trickster, Café Bakeliet, Restaurant Layalina, NIFFO, Ohio University School of Art & Design, Le PARC, University of Lincoln.