KONTRA LABS #1: Online publication release

''Tackling inequality within the Rotterdam(se) creative scene''
Pirate Bay - Sat 13 February 2021
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 19:00
End → 21:00

This January and February, KONTRA carried out a research residency in the WORM Pirate Bay. Through a series of events, this Rotterdam based grass roots project and 15 participants explored how inequalities within the creative sector in Rotterdam impacts those who are part of it.

The fruits of this research are ready to be shared with the world. Join us for the first publication release of KONTRA: ”Tackling inequality within the Rotterdam(se) creative scene”

For KONTRA, inequalities and any type of discrimination constitute our main focus of action.
As femxles, queers, expats, cultural workers, and most of all humxns, we consider it essential to overcome such issues in order to be able to move forward, towards an equal, inclusive, and sustainable society where everyone is free and has equal treatment as well as the same opportunities.
We believe that a bottom-up approach as well as generating awareness are the key elements for this achievement.
We also believe in positive societal transformation through the arts and in the power of socially engaged art projects and communal creation.

During this research, KONTRA was joined by amazing and driven people from the Creative and Cultural Industry of Rotterdam (CCIR). People, willing to share their struggles, reflect on the current situation, be critical of the structures and behaviours set in place and dream about equal and fair work conditions.

With KONTRA Labs #1 we want to initiate a conversation and catalyse positive societal transformation by creating space for reflecting on the working conditions within the CCIR. The project also aims to push towards the necessary change by bringing to light the struggles experienced while bridging the gap between policy makers and the sector.
This publication represents the chronicle of the residency, including plans and drafts of action proposals by the participants, which are based on the reflections and conversations of the research group during the KONTRA LABS#1.
The beautiful design of the publication is done by none other than Berksun Çiçek (https://www.instagram.com/berksunator/?hl=en) and the illustrations belong to the amazing Liser (https://www.liser-art.com/).

We welcome you to be part of the conversation by joining the online release event!

19:00-19:15 Digital walk in accompanied by a mini DJ set (TBA)
19:15-19:45 Panel with the participants regarding the collective writing process
19:45-20:00 Break accompanied by a mini DJ set (TBA)
20:00-20:30 Reading of the publication
20:30-21:00 Wrap up of the event and some more DJ tunes (TBA)

Like our other events, we have a participation policy (even online)!
»»»» Make sure to respect our code of conduct written below!

1. Anti-violence;
2. Respect for each other’s presence, expression, and opinion;
3. Anti-rape movement & consent is key;
4. Anti-racism/misogyny/bigotry and you are anti behavior that stems from xenophobia, racism, homophobia, and transphobia;
5. No to body shaming (of any sort);
6. Anti-beauty standardization, YES to exploring your personal aesthetics;
7. Solidarity with different kinds of narratives;
8. Active and shared protection attitude: by calling out the attitudes and actions that threaten the participants’ safety;
9. Womxn and queers to the front!´
Any dismay or violence of this code of conduct will result in removal and legal prosecution in all cases deemed necessary according to the Dutch law in force on the 13th of February 2021.

!!!! KONTRA is a grass-roots project organising a yearly mini artfest that explores the boundaries between art and activism and seeks alternative ways of art-making, partying and art management. narrowing the gap between the sector and its policymakers.
Questions or concerns? Email us at kontra.rotterdam@gmail.com!