Filmwerkplaats: First Nations’ Films

Filmwerkplaats Presents
FIlm - Wed 6 April 2022
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 20:30
End → 23:30


First Nations’ Films is an evening programme with short films produced in the Guarani and Kaiowa Territory of central Brazil and in the Wayuu territory in Northern Colombia. The films from Brazil were made by indigenous youth and leaders in film workshop processes of the Imagem Canto Palavra Extension Program at the Guaiviry indigenous community. The films from Colombia were made by young Wayuu makers that are part of the Communication collective wakuaipa. Ancestral practices, displacement, and the defense of indigenous territories are some of the common threads between these highly original and very important films.


First Nations’ Films is een avondvullend programma met korte films die zijn geproduceerd in het Guarani- en Kaiowa-gebied in Centraal-Brazilië en in het Wayua-gebied in Noord-Colombia. De films uit Brazilië zijn gemaakt door inheemse jongeren en leiders tijdens filmworkshops van het Imagem Canto Palavra Extension Program in de inheemse gemeenschap Guaiviry. De films uit Colombia zijn gemaakt door jonge Wayuu-makers die deel uitmaken van het communicatiecollectief wakuaipa. Voorouderlijke gebruiken, ontheemding en de verdediging van inheemse territoria zijn de thema’s die deze originele en belangrijke films met elkaar verbinden.


Films in this programme

Pohã Re’yi (Family of Healing, 14min) A film by Joilson Brites, Jhonathan Gomes, Wagner Gomes, Anailson Flores

The extended Kaiowa family includes not only blood relatives and households but relationships with sacred beings, animals and plants. In this short film, we see such family ties doubly affirmed: in the relationship with traditional remedies and in a relationship between grandmother (Crescencia Flores) and her granddaughter (Melojaine "Querida" Brites) searching for it. They face together the difficulties of their scarcity in the context of war for land in Mato Grosso do Sul and the difficulties of maintaining the experience of always delicate family ties in the face of the historical violence that affects these several forms of kinship.

Lapü E’ ikuusu / sueños enterrados / Buried dreams (16 min) A film by Marcos Uriana and colectivo de comunicaciones wakuaipa

Different generations get together to talk about the past and the present in their territory. An elder, a mother and a young wayuu also share their stories of loss.

Guahuí Guyra Kuera (Enchantment of Birds, 13min) A film by Anailson Flores, Beibity Flores, Cledson Amarília Ricarte, Jhonlailson Gomes Almeida, Jhon Malison, Jomalis Franco Gomes, Wagner Gomes

A bird hunt is an opportunity to show in this short film, on the one hand, the situation of scarcity in the tekoha where the small forest surrounded by the monoculture of agribusiness does not provide as species and as hunting conditions. On the other hand, it is an event that breaks out in the sacred logic of everyday life to reveal the enchantment, respect, poetry and the art of life affirmation by a group of young people who insist on trying to experience the risk from the point of view of birds.

La Lucha de Luz Angela (7.45 min) A film by Claudia Hernandez, Marcos Uriana and Mauricio Barrios

Luz Angela Uriana tells of her struggle against the multinational company Cerrejón due to the health problems suffered by her son as a result of the contamination generated by coal mining in her territory. She started a legal process against the coal mining company Cerrejon, a story of David against Goliat.

Laura Brito (3 min) A film by Colectivo de Comunicación Wayúu Wakuaipa.

This is the story of Laura Brito, a young Wayuu woman from La Guajira, Colombia. She tells us about the importance of communication for her people in the defense of their culture and indigenous territory severily affected by open-pit coal mining.

Ava Marangatu (15min) A film by Jhonaton Gomes, Joilson Brites, Genito Gomes, Jhon Nara Gomes, Dulcídio Gomes, Edina Ximenez, Sarah Brites, Valmir Gonçalves Cabreira

In Guaiviry, traditional Guarani and Kaiowá land, two young men go out to hunt in the rest of the forest that still remains.

Provincial – Lamentos y Exigencias (8 min) A film by Marcos Brito Colectivo de Comunicación Wayúu Wakuaipa.

What are the consequences of coal mining in Wayuu territory? A group of woman expose the danger they are facing for defending their territory and their culture.

Yvy Pyte (Heart of the Earth, 7min) A film by Genito Gomes and Johnn Nara Gomes

This experimental short film proposes a lyrical plunge into the sacred words of the shaman Valdomiro Flores about the original territory and the traditional way of being Kaiowá indigenous people (Mato Grosso do Sul/Brazil) elaborated from a set of images of the phenomenon of kuarahy jeguaka (head ornament of the Sun).


Tijdens de hele maand april 2022 mogen alle Cinevillers gratis een +1 meenemen en krijg je bij ieder filmbezoek een gratis drankje. Als je een vriend/in wil meenemen, download dan ook een Cineville ticket voor je plus1. Je vriend/in kan dan samen met jou, op jouw Cineville pas naar binnen.

During the whole of April 2022, all Cinevillers can bring a free +1 and receive a free drink with every movie visit. If you want to bring a friend, please download the 2 tickets allowed for your order.