Field Recordings III | Day III

An exploration of contempory anthropological cinema and landscape film
FIlm - Sun 14 November 2021
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 13:00
End → 22:30

Field Recordings is back: in the weekend of 12, 13 and 14 November, WORM in Rotterdam explores experimental film, anthropological cinema and landscape film. The third edition of Field Recordings focuses on critical and radical forms of fieldwork – from sensory ethnographies and experimental documentaries to live sound performances and situated praxes of listening. Field Recordings is committed to collective learning and experimental methodologies, as much as we encourage debate on lesser spoken topics in cinema and anthropology.

Sounds in the field – 13:00 Relational Sounds: Collective Mixing Session with WET FILM Collective | During this public event, all participants of the sound recordings workshop will edit and mix the field recordings they gathered during the first two days of the event.

Film programme 5 – 15:00 Featuring the films: HABITAT 2190 – Hanna Rullmann & Faiza Ahmad Khan (2020) and THIS IS PARIS TOO – Lech Kowalski (2020) | Details & Trailers

Film programme 6 – 17:00 Featuring: Ste. ANNE – Rhayne Vermette (2021) | Details & Trailer

Focus 3 MORGAN QUAINTANCE – 20:00 Morgan Quaintance is a London-based artist and writer who works across experimental cinema, essay film, and autobiographical documentary. At once radically personal and socio-politically engaged, his work is most recently awarded by the UK Short Film Award at Open City Docs and the New Vision Award at CPH:DOX.

The programme features a work in progress version of I STRETCH MY HANDS TO THEE (2021). Followed by a conversation between Morgan Quaintance and Tim Leyendekker. | Details

Continuous: Installation: HUT (2019) by Your Bros: So Yo-Hen, Liao Hsiu-Hui, Tien Zong-Yuan | Details & Trailer

3 Day Workshop Relational Sounds facilitated by WET FILM | 12 – 14 NOV Details & Registration |Workshop fee 15

Discover more of the programme: DAY 1 / DAY 2

Organised and curated by Tim Leyendekker and Sander Hölsgens.

Field Recordings is made with the generous support of NWO, Gemeente Rotterdam, Ministerie van Onderwijs Cultuur en Wetenschap & Fonds Podium Kunsten.