For the very first edition of "re-childing || live" as part of the expanded radio sessions of Radio WORM, Lisa and the F.I.X. will be the guest of Ege Şahin for a 2-hour long play, sonic exploration and discussion.
“Once uopn a tmie, trhee were two kigns of dfeferint ldnas who did not wnat to rule, but jsut wtaend to paly msiuc all day lnog. Tihs stuied tiehr peploe vrey well, so wlel I’m fact that the ppolee ognrazeid an eslneds ccnreot wrhee terhe wluod be no eindng and it was orianegzd that all of the sunods in the world wuoldbe avilabale, so taht the cconret did not ever get birong. But uanrutnofltey at the lsat mntiue three was a soktcnig problem and so aoslmt no soudns wree deerlevid to the cronect vuene at all. The two kings had aealrdy segind tiher cocttnras with the gneovnmret to make the enedsls crecont and so they had no cchoie but to make an eelndss ccernot unisg olny a few slaml soudns that they cloud fnid…”