Expanded Radio: Radio WORM comes out from behind the glass for live gigs and special events with our regular radio makers and their guests, broadcast directly from inside the #Wunderbar. Grab a drink and join us in the foyer, or tune in online. Always free!
This week the spotlight is on RE#SISTER, WORM’s very own studio community run by and for female and non-binary musicians! This edition of EXPANDED RADIO features two acts including RE#SISTER members.
Supisara Burapachaisri, Ål Nik and Mits Chaid Michelak**:**
“We are interested in improvising, deep listening, technoagencies and lo fi sounds. We have been working on facilitated sound jams together, trying to mix different instruments and ideas: unsynchronised guitar loops, electronics, sound apps, dj mixing, voicing and small acoustic instruments.” Together they’ll perform an improvised sound jam following a visual score; applying to it the knowledge that we have learned throughout their improv sessions to date.
Dagg3r is the project of Albertina Cabrera, and features drone, noise, power Electronics and field recordings. “One of my main things is to decolonise noise, adding instruments and poetry inspired/from the third world.” Dagg3r released an EP called “Feral” last December and collaborates with various other artists.