Electric Umbrella #4 with Secluded Bronte & Gregov/LaBerge/Endo/Tabarnac

with Secluded Bronte & Gregov/LaBerge/Endo/Tabarnac
Concert - Sun 19 March 2023
WORM Rotterdam
Doors → 04:34
Start → 20:30
End → 23:30

Improvisation is not just another musical genre. It is a radical approach toward musical structure and human communication.
Uhmm… improv? – Not everyone knows that WORM and improvised music go way way back in time. WORM, being a production place for authentic and spontaneous creative processes, has always had improvisation in the core of its DNA.
Music in itself is ungovernable and its definitions and genre divisions are not really relevant – improvisation has many different, heterogenous and divergent definitions. We allow all of them to coexist, intertwine and mingle, creating an environment where an experience is shared in a specific configuration of time, space and sound.
An experience that may sometimes be short-circuited, other times overcharged, sparkling, crackling…, but always empowering!

First Set;
Ann LaBerge – flute, electronics
Lucija Gregov- cello
Sato Endo – movement & non-movement
Titi Tabarnac -guitaw

Let’s skip the part where we list how great everyone is and where they played and when and with whom… Here’s 3 girls and a boy, one is from Amsterdam, the other three are typically Roffa. (w.o.w. Slovenian, Japanese and Overschie). LaBerge & Tabarnac go way back, and there’s also a strange relation with 2/3 of the second set; the Bohman Twins. All will become clear if you manage to turn up.

Second set;
Secluded Bronte are Adam Bohman, Jonathan Bohman and Richard Thomas.
Formed in London and launched in New York City, the Anglo-Welsh trio have been together for 21 years. Since that time in 2002 they have continued to plough an idiosyncratic furrow into the heart of what one might call art-music. It’s quite hard to classify the group, but they have been likened to This Heat, Wire, The Specials, The Residents, The Fall, John Cage and Sun Ra.

Since 2020 they have released four albums on the Ffordd Allan label, an album on Takuroku, a 7” EP on Felix Kubin’s Apolkalypso label and contributed to several compilation albums.

As a solo artist Richard Thomas has released two albums since 2022, The House Rabbit of Jesus Green and The Painted Orchid. The third volume of
Adam Bohman’s Music and Words has just been released by Paradigm Discs. Forthcoming is a remix of a Jérôme Noetinger album for Apolkalypso/Gagarin
Records, a radiophonic work for Dutch radio, Zond 5, and a new Secluded Bronte EP and an album are also imminent in 2023.