Caribbean Ancestry Club #9

Community - Sun 22 January 2023
Start → 14:00
End → 22:00

Dearly beloved community ,

Come celebrate the start of 2023 with us! Caribbean Ancestry Club will be back on Sunday January 22 in WORM Rotterdam! This time we’ll be doing a special collaboration with the student association, DCA (Dutch Caribbean Association).

14.00 – 18.00 – The Beauty of the Caribbean Workshop [sign up here]
18.00 – 22.00 – Caribbean Ancestry Club

In the afternoon, DCA will host a painting workshop titled “The Beauty of the Caribbean”. This workshop will provide the perfect opportunity to discuss what the Caribbean means to you, and to unleash your inner artist! The workshop will be facilitated by art instructors, who will provide our guests with insights and useful tips regarding painting, art styles, and art techniques. In groups of four, you will be co-creating a piece of art, based on shared ideas developed through a discussion on Caribbean identity. This workshop will have a cozy nature, with chill music, snacks, and drinks. Caribbean Ancestry Club’s open mic will provide a great opportunity for you to exhibit your painting and share the creative process behind your painting with the attendees.

In the evening, CAC always kicks off with a community dinner, followed up by a showcase with main performances, and we end the night with an open mic! During our open mic, community members can perform or discuss their new projects. Spots in the open mic are limited. Thus, if you already know that you wish to perform during the open mic, please send us an email ASAP:

Everybody is welcome to join our events, but keep in mind that the voices of ABCSSS islanders will be centralized.

We look forward to opening the new year with y’all. And to also welcome students who recently came over from the islands, and are still looking for a piece of home in the Netherlands. Please inform them and bring them along.

Caribbean Ancestry Club will host this event in, WORM’s in-house archive. We’re excited to contribute the work and legacies of our communities into the archive of WORM, so be sure to bring materials like CDs, DVDs, and other materials that you’d like to share with others.

Entrance: FREE
Language: English, Dutch, Papiamentu/o
No tickets needed for CAC #9, but sign up is required for DCA’s workshop
With live performances by:
– Keenan Pietersz
– Juneal Holder
– Steven Pieternella
& more to be announced soon!

Caribbean Ancestry Club is a community platform born out of love for the Caribbean, by Alfrida Martis and Daudi Cijntje. Alfrida calls Bonaire home, and Daudi calls Curaçao home. They are proud of their Afro-Caribbean heritage and believe in the healing and restorative powers of love and communion. By organizing events and community gatherings they wish to unite and amplify voices of Afro-indigenous Caribbean peoples, especially islanders from Bonaire, Statia, Saba, Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten.

Dutch Caribbean Association Rotterdam (DCA) aims to create a safe space where students and young professionals, regardless of their origin, with an interest in the Dutch Caribbean culture can come together. The aim is not only to form a bridge between the Dutch Caribbean culture and our members but also to narrow the potential gap between our members and the social issues that affect them. We are based in Rotterdam but have members from all over the Netherlands. We are an association that celebrates the Dutch Caribbean culture while simultaneously helping our members in the early stages of their prospective careers. We do this by organizing social, cultural, and professional events where our members can develop themselves on a social and professional level.

Dushi komunidat,

Bin selebra i habri 2023 ku nos! Caribbean Ancestry Club tei bek na WORM djadumingu
dia 22 di yanuari!

Den merdia, bo ta kordialmente invitá pa tuma parti na DCA su workshop di arte, “E Bunitesa di Karibe”. E workshop akí lo ta e oportunidat perfekto pa reflehá tokante di loke bunitesa di Karibe kiermen pa bo, i pa saka bo artista skondí! E workshop lo wordu guia dor di instruktornan di arte ko lo duna un perspektiva úniko di arte i téknika di pintamentu. Den grupo di kuater, partisipantenan lo krea un obra di arte basá riba ideanan desaroyá den e diskushon tokante identidat Karibense. E workshop lo tin un atmosfer kómodo, ku musik relahá, pasaboka i kos di bebe. E segmento Open Mic di Caribbean Ancestry Club lo ta un oportunidat perfekto pa partisipantenan mustra nan obranan di arte i splika e idea tras di e obranan.

Den anochi, manera semper CAC lo tin un community dinner, un showcase, i tambe un “open mic”! Durante di e open mic tur hende den publiko por perform of elaborá riba proyektonan ku nan ta trahando riba dje. Si bo sa kaba ku bo ke partisipá na e open mic, lo ta bon pa avisá nos adelantá via e-mail: Tin solamente un par di lugá habrí ainda.

Tur persona ta bonbini, pero stèmnan di ABCSSS isleños lo wordu sentralisa. Nos ta ansioso pa topa karanan nobo di studiantenan ku a kaba yega di nos islanan keri. Kemen si bo konose un studiante nobo ku a bini for di ABCSSS, porfabor informá nan i invitá nan. Nos ke pa nan sa ku e CAC i DCA community tey pa nan. Manera un pida di kas ora bo ta leu fo’i kas.

Caribbean Ancestry Club lo organisa e evento aki den, e in-house archivo di WORM Rotterdam. Nos ta kontentu pa por kontribuí e trabou i herensia di nos komunidatnan Karibense ku e archivo di WORM. Si bo kier bo por trese materialnan komo CDnan, DVDnan i otro material pa komparti ku nos oyentenan.

Entrada: GRATIS
Lenga: Ingles, Hulandes, Papiamentu/o
No tin mester di reserva un karchi pa CAC #9 e biaha aki, pero mester registra pa DCA su workshop
Ku live presentashonan di:
– Keenan Pietersz
– Juneal Holder
– Steven Pieternella
& hopi dushi hende mas ku lo wordu anunsia pronto!

Caribbean Ancestry Club ta un community plataforma ku Daudi Cijntje i Alfrida Martis a lanta, inspira dor di nan amor pa henter Karibe. Alfrida su kurason ta bati pa Boneiru i Daudi su kurason ta bati pa Korsou. Nan dos ta hopi orguyuso di nan herensia Afro- Karibense anto nan ta kere den e podernan restorativo di komunion pa trese amor i sanashon den nos komunidatnan. Dor di organisa eventonan i reunionan pa komunidat, nan kier uni i amplia stèmnan di hende Afro-indigena Karibense, speshalmente isleños di Boneiru, Statia, Saba, Korsou, Aruba i St. Maarten.

Dutch Caribbean Association Rotterdam (DCA) ta un asosiashon situá na Rotterdam ku un focus riba studiante i young professionals di islanan ABCSSS, i tur hende interesá den kultura di e islanan. Nos meta ta pa krea un komunidat safe kaminda nos miembronan por bini huntu I selebrá kultura di e islanan. Pa medio di nos asosiashon, tambe nos ke tene nos miembronan konsiente di kuestion sosial ku por afektá nan. DCA ta situá na Rotterdam pero nos tin miembro rònt Hulanda. Nos asosiashon ta kombiná selebrashon di kultura di ABCSSS ku sostenshon di nos miembronan den kuminsamentu di nan karera prospektivo. DCA ta organisá evento sosial, kultural i profeshonal, kaminda nos miembronan por mehorá nan mes riba nivel sosial i profeshonal.


Photo Credit: Cyann Pourier