Caribbean Ancestry Club #8

Performances & Community Dinner
Community - Sun 18 September 2022
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 18:00
End → 22:00

You do not want to miss this! Caribbean Ancestry Club is back on September 18 in WORM Rotterdam, WORM Pirate Bay! Be quick to get your FREE tickets, as we only have 120 available.
This time we have a community-dinner (do not forget your cash money as we do not accept cards), a showcase, which is followed up by an open mic! At our open mic everyone in the public can perform or discuss their projects. If you already know that you want to perform in the open mic, then it is best to send us an email in advance. People already signed up for the open mic, and there are only a few spots left. Everybody is welcome to join at our events, but keep in mind that the voices of ABCSSS-islanders will be centralized.

We look forward to seeing the faces of the new students who arrived this summer. So, if you know a new student who just came over from the islands, please inform them and bring them along. We want them to know that the CAC-community has their back. The people who attend our events are like little pieces of home away from home. 💖

– Ebony
– Masay
– Faith Peterson
– Xantia
– Marc Era
– Zed-I
– Joni Jules

**LIVESTREAM LINK: start 19h **
Do not worry if you live on the islands, abroad, or are unable to attend our event physically, but still want to watch it! We got you! Watch live here: or on You Tube here:

Caribbean Ancestry Club is supported by, WORM Rotterdam’s in-house archive. We’re excited to contribute the work and legacies of our communities into the archive of WORM, so be sure to bring materials like CDs, DVD, and other materials that you’d like to share with others.

Caribbean Ancestry Club is a project born out of love for the Caribbean, by Alfrida Martis and Daudi Cijntje. Alfrida calls Bonaire home, and Daudi calls Curaçao home. They are proud of their Afro-Caribbean heritage and believe in the healing and restorative powers of love and communion. By organizing events and community gatherings they wish to unite and amplify voices of Afro-indigenous Caribbean peoples, especially islanders from Bonaire, Statia, Saba, Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten.

Caribbean Ancestry Club is a space where Caribbean peoples can fully be themselves, exchange their experiences on island and diaspora life, colonialism, intergenerational traumas, activism, cultural rituals and practices, art, ancestral knowledge and family memories.

Esaki si bo no ke pèrdè!
Caribbean Ancestry Club tei bek na Worm, worm piratebay dia 18 di September! No warda pa grab bo ticket, nos tin 120 só!
E biaha aki nos tin un community-dinner (no lubida di trese cash, nos no ta asepta karchi), un showcase, i tambe un “open mic”! Durante di e open mic tur hende den publiko por perform of elaborá riba proyektonan ku nan ta trahando riba dje. Si bo sa kaba ku bo ke partisipá na e open mic, lo ta bon pa avisá nos adelantá via e-mail. Tin hende ku a inskribí kaba, tin solamente un par di lugá habrí ainda.

Tur persona ta bonbini, pero stèmnan di ABC & SSS isleños lo wordu sentralisa. Nos ta ansioso pa topa karanan nobo di studiante nan ku a kaba yega di nos islanan keri.
Kemen si bo konose un studiante nobo ku a bini for di ABCSSS, porfabor informá nan i invitá nan. Nos ke pa nan sa ku e CAC community tey pa nan. E persona nan ku ta bini e evento aki ta manera un pida di kas ora bo ta leu fo’i kas. 💖

Entrada: GRATIS
Lenga: Ingles, Hulandes, Papiamentu/o

– Masay
– Faith Peterson
– Xantia
– Marc Era
– Zed-I
– Joni Jules

No preokupábo si bo ta biba afó, riba isla nan of si bo no por ta presente físikamente na e evento pero tog bo ke wak e. Nos a pensa riba bo! E evento lo ta livestreamed riba Vimeo: and You Tube

Caribbean Ancestry Club lo organisa e evento aki den, e in-house archivo di WORM Rotterdam. Nos ta kontentu pa por kontribuí e trabou i herensia di nos komunidatnan Karibense ku e archivo di WORM. Si bo kier bo por trese materialnan komo CDnan, DVDnan i otro material pa komparti ku nos oyentenan.

Caribbean Ancestry Club ta un projekto ku Daudi Cijntje i Alfrida Martis a lanta, inspira dor di nan amor pa henter Karibe. Alfrida su kurason ta bati pa Boneiru i Daudi su kurason ta bati pa Korsou. Nan dos ta hopi orguyuso di nan herensia Afro-Karibense anto nan ta kere den e podernan restorativo di komunion pa trese amor i sanashon den nos komunidatnan. Dor di organisa eventonan i reunionan pa komunidat, nan kier uni i amplia stèmnan di hende Afro-indigena Karibense, speshalmente isleños di Boneiru, Statia, Saba, Korsou, Aruba i St. Maarten.