WORM’s commitment to sustainability and a carbon neutral environment finds voice in ongoing local and international initiatives. Along with other organisations on the Witte de Withstraat, WORM is working with Nadruk to upgrade its heating systems, ensure the building is better isolated, adding Tri Solar panels on the roof to generate green electricity and committing to LED lighting, where possible.
The EU zero waste policy states that many member states are making significant steps but a lot of work still needs to be done. EU guidelines stress that we all have a role to play to ensure that we get the best out of our waste. The motto is less waste, more value. And WORM will play its part in drastically reducing its waste and ensuring a more sustainable and environmental future for all.
All these actions are with direct reference to the United Nations Agenda 2030 and in particular SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) and 13 (climate action). The UN indicates that sustainable consumption and production can also contribute substantially to poverty alleviation and the transition towards low-carbon and green economies.