Laat de kunstwereld niet onder de zaaglijn zakken door #NIETONDERDEZAAGLIJN te delen!⁣ De Tweede Kamer bespreekt op 23 november de cultuurbegroting. Tijd voor actie!

We were saddened to see so many of our partners who received positive advice from the Mondriaan Fonds commission not making it to the final budget due to the lack of finance.

We are joining them in the campaign #nietonderdezaaglijn asking the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science /Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap/ to make available enough funds to these organisations. The lack of funds is not only devastating to these organisations, to the richness of our sector, but also to the artists who will be left with even fewer opportunities to show their work and to be seen. The Second Chamber /Tweede Kamer/ will review the cultural budget on 23 November. Now it is the time for action and support!

⁣Beeld: Yuri Veerman


Read the letter to the Ministry here:⁣⁣