Good news! The Performance Bar has reopened, and I can’t wait to share an after story about Saturday’s event “Back from the Cocoon”, hosted by Bram Komen. The first thing to notice when entering is that The Performance Bar has a very immersive and intimate atmosphere, with the well-balanced lighting: brightly-illuminated neon stage/bar set against a dimmed deep red seating area. From the very first minutes of a show, spectators were introduced to the main theme of that night, which was also very intimate and personal to everyone – the subject of Transformation.
That night, performances were built on the metaphors of change, one that starts within human beings, progressing into global ones. The first show to warm the audience up was by Kluiftuig – an experimental, controversial band spitting some aggressive underground rhymes to the sounds of heavy beats and bass guitar. On the other hand, part of a programme featuring Bram Komen had a smooth, relaxing vibe and immersed spectators into an atmosphere of cyclical transformations that happen in nature. All was done in a grotesque and absurd, but absolutely charming way. A demonstration of seasonal changes switched into the personal transition from a “sleeping bag” caterpillar, through the foil cocoon, into a butterfly dressed in red. The beautiful message of how change is an essential part of life, as life itself is constant motion.
Follow up was a Daryl Grootfaam’s speech in which he explained change with the examples of modern fairy tales and movies, brought up a worldwide change, reminding us that every one of us can transform and make many little acts of transformation connect into a big one. Lastly, the performance by Lisette Smits – a musical metamorphosis and a butterfly dance – was an aesthetic final to the show; celebrating rebirth in a newer form.
When we are talking change… It can be natural, can be a painful process, but it’s inevitable. What is more, we need it. In the end, we can be anything and anyone we want to be!
The Performance Bar is a great place to offer you a late-night extravaganza, a nonconformist attitude, and free-spirited art. All while enjoying some special cocktails on a menu. Come thru!
Agata Albu