WORM is delighted to say that our theatre and gallery spaces UBIK and S/ash Gallery, and our partners in art-crime, The Performance Bar, have been in the national news of late.
The Performance Bar had its say about contemporary theatre in a huge 2 page splash in the NRC. One of their guests, illustrator du jour, Joni Kling, has generated yet more words from the “inkies”, this time in Metro.
Then there’s the attention the AD paid to a recent initiative at UBIK, Haar en Hem, a play created by UBIK’s very own Charlien Andriaenssens and Ivan Winter; Rotterdam creator, DJ, barber and luisteraar extraordinaire.
Art Physique: nourishing and affordable food for the brain and soul.
So nourishing in fact, that our General Manager Janpier Brands took the time to explain why Rotterdam is so special in this interview with AD here (picture only, Dutch langauge).