Sonosphere: Pak Yan Lau and Farida Amadou

"Sonosphere Belgique"
Concert - Tue 22 March 2022
WORM Rotterdam
Doors → 08:25
Start → 20:30
End → 23:30

Pak Yan Lau

Pak Yan Lau, born in Belgium, with roots from Hong Kong and now based in Brussels is a sound artist, improviser, musician and composer, who has developed over the years a rich, dense and captivating sound universe from prepared pianos, toy pianos, synths, electronics and various sound objects. Skilfully blending acoustic, electro-acoustic and electronic approaches, she explores sound in a bewitching way, merging these different approaches and sound sources with poetry, magic and finesse.

Farida Amadou

Farida Amadou is a self taught bass player based in Liège, Belgium. The electric bass is her main instrument since 2011. In 2013, she has started to play a lot of different musical genres, including blues, jazz and hip-hop.