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Dinsdag 20 april schedule
1300 – 1400u; Smoothieman Comes Alive. At the margins of experimental impro spiritism open source ectoplasmic. What is in de bottle of the Smoothieman? with Vincent Denieul & Lukas Simonis.
1400 – 1500u; Dr Klangendum. Radio art & beyond, with Lukas Simonis.
1500u – 1600u; Bellen met Niek plus wat Muziek. Niek Hilkmann laat zijn licht schijnen over van alles en nog wat. En floppies.
1600u – 1700u; Clear Spot.
1700u – 1800u; Grof Folklore. Unpolished and raw sounds from all around the globe. With Robert Kroos.
1800-1900u; On Packing Light. On Packing Light explores the personal and political sentimental capacity of textiles and unpack the questions posed above, speculating the ways in which capitalism has shaped our relationship to and understanding of our personal belongings. With Lili Huston-Herterich.
1900u – 2000u; WORM Pirate Bay Radio. This week it’s Stonerama-ra-ra-radio, taking you to the riff-filled land! Light up and tune in, with one hour of top-quality stoner records.
2000u – 2100u; MEMES. A show by Allie & Francis about memes; what do they look like, how much you should feed ’em, how can they be kept safe & warm.
2100 – 2200u; Soul Kitchen. Inspired by the world this hour is melodic food for the soul with every week an exploration of a specific theme. with Tarik Aouragh.