NoSpray presents: Cruelster (US) + Cherry Cheeks (US)

Concert - Sun 1 September 2024
WORM Rotterdam
Doors → 06:04
Start → 20:30
End → 23:30

Cruelster (US)
Cruelster is the musical equivalent of that one grandpa on your dad’s side of the family that you never really talk to, but whenever you do go visit him, he’s too preoccupied watching porn or conspiracy videos on the living room television to even consider giving you a piece of Werther’s or something. And yet you still find yourself loving him, because the guy knows how to have a concise, memorable conversation. Even though you’re pretty sure he never bothered to figure out what your name was. Like, if you just want an idea of how lost this band is in their own post-ironic, misanthropic sense of humor, just comb through their Facebook page. It’s a constantly-updating goldmine that encompasses everything this band represents.”

Cherry Cheeks (US)
Cherry Cheeks is the work of Kyle Harms. Started in early 2020, CHERRY CHEEKS was born out of countless hours stuck in front of a computer screen with a raging pandemic outside. Kyle put his boredom, boiling over anger, and frustration to work and started a new project. He put out a few bandcamp EPS and limited run tapes that a mutual friend back home turned me onto. He also informed me that there was even better stuff that hadn’t yet been released. I hit Kyle up, he sent me a few tracks, and boy was my friend right. EGG PUNK, DEVO-CORE, QUARANTINE PUNK..

And local support by Achterlicht!