IFFR x WORM: sound//vision 2

Festival - Sat 1 February 2025
WORM Rotterdam
Start → 20:00
End → 22:00

IFFR x WORM Sound & Vision:

Art Directions is the place where IFFR steps out of the screening room and pushes the limits of what cinema can be. sound//vision is a unique collaboration between WORM and the festival, celebrating film as an electrifying live art form.

By Raluca Croitoru, Dan Fogarty and Tracy Hanna
Netherlands, 2025, 30 min., English, Multimedia performance

Expanded cinema performance with 16mm film loops, 35mm slides, spoken word, vocal distortions, synthesizers and wind instruments. It explores how time manifests in the body and how we connect to the lives lived before us, captured through recorded media. The piece transgresses moments and memories, merging the immediacy of live experimental music with the layered potential of poetry, suggesting uncharted possibilities within each moment.

Get your tickets via the IFFR website!

LUF Scope
By Kwon HeeSue
South Korea, 2025, 40 min., English, audiovisual perfromance

Audiovisual performance artist and filmmaker Kwon HeeSue creates an expanded cinema work that explores the maximum possibilities of film projection from minimal conditions. By turning the projector light toward the lens and altering the shutter speed, she plays with light, shapes, and colours, bringing to life visual spaces imperceptible to the eye. A real-time fascinating sensory experience emerges in the illusory distance between the image and the screen.

Get your tickets via the IFFR website!