Say it ain’t so! After seven years of wonderful, almost monthly events, our next event on December 7th will be our last. Manifest: Animation Show & Tell has been a bright spot in the moving image landscape of Rotterdam (and, the last 18 months, online as well) with the help of innumerable people who I would like to thank: Oana Clitan for making our graphics, Roodkapje for giving us a start, and WORM for hosting us and providing top-notch technical assistance since January 2015; all the volunteer photographers, show & tell-ers, and you, for attending and contributing to the conversations. It is time for me to move on and move forward. Read a fuller statement on the website (and remember, the 11 live streamed events with guests from all over the world can still be watched back on WORM’s Vimeo page here). This last event will be, yes, a chance for us to talk animation as we’re used to one last time, but also a celebration of everything we’ve accomplished the last seven years, an introduction to an upcoming new event at WORM (that will include animation), and an opportunity to brainstorm about the future of animation in Rotterdam. Come one, come all!
This event will be streamed!