Electric Umbrella #20

Featuring two4.41139 & Sofia Lee, Ragnar Olafsson, Wiek Hijmans and Bintang Manira
Concert - Sun 27 October 2024
WORM Rotterdam
Doors → 17:02
Start → 20:30
End → 23:30

Another edition of our adventurous improv music series with Asia-inspired electronics, a laptop choir and mesmerizing guitar-spheres. There will be some mixing and stirring going on.

Bintang Manira
An Indonesian versatile musician currently based in Rotterdam, who focuses on various hand percussion techniques and explores ancient vocal techniques from India and Tuva such as Dhrupad and different types of throat singing. His unique choice of sound creates a portal between the past, present and future combining musical chants with acoustic traditional instruments and electronic sound.

Olafsson & Hijmans Duo
A new collaboration of Reykjavik born composer and guitarist Ragnar Árni Ólafsson and renowned Amsterdam-based contemporary electric guitarist Wiek Hijmans. They play freely improvised music for two guitars, setting out on long form free associative journeys in each of their sessions. Through playing they expose various physical and sonic incarnations of their instrument and weave through it an abundance of nods to different styles and voices. While their approach is thoroughly experimental, it reflects an eclectic curiosity about the guitar in its multifaceted contemporary setting.

two4.41139 & Sofia Lee
These two performers will impress you with an interactive, generative network of computers on stage, producing sound together with a synth, guitar and vocals. There will also be live visuals made with vintage equipment!