
Kunst­block is de naam van de sa­men­wer­ken­de kunst­in­stel­lin­gen in het Kunst­kwar­tier van Rot­ter­dam: CBK Rotterdam, MAMA, TENT Rotterdam, V2_, Formerly Known As Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art en WORM, Instituut voor Avantgardistische Recreatie.

Kunst­block is op­ge­richt om ge­za­men­lijk (bre­de) pu­blieks­pro­gram­ma’s en pro­mo­tie te re­a­li­se­ren waar­voor de in­stel­lin­gen af­zon­der­lijk te klein of te spe­ci­fiek zijn. Door pro­gram­ma’s slim aan el­kaar te kop­pe­len, nieu­we for­mats te be­den­ken en ac­ti­vi­tei­ten op el­kaar af te stem­men wil­len de part­ners van Kunst­block meer pu­bliek aan­trek­ken en een gro­te­re im­pact en reik­wijd­te be­rei­ken op het kunst- en ste­de­lij­ke kli­maat.

Stich­ting Kunst­block
Wit­te de With­straat 50
3012 BR Rot­ter­dam
E info@kunst­block.nl
T +31 (0)10 411 01 44

Kun­st­block is the name for the col­lab­o­ra­tion of the art in­sti­tutes in the Rot­ter­dam Art Quar­ter: CBK Rotterdam, MAMA, TENT, V2_, Formerly Known As Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art and WORM. Kun­st­block is founded to en­sure the col­lec­tive pro­mo­tion of the in­sti­tutes’ events for greater vis­i­bil­ity and im­pact.

In re­cent years the Art Quar­ter has de­vel­oped into a cul­tural hotspot. It is one of Rot­ter­dam’s most off­beat and pro­gres­sive neigh­bour­hoods.

Every Fri­day pre-Covid-19, the Kunstblock venues in the Art Quar­ter of Rot­ter­dam would be physically open in the evening. Visitors could enjoy shows or residencies at MAMA, TENT Rotterdam, WORM/UBIK, V2_, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art and CBK Rotterdam’s col­lec­tion of art in pub­lic space. Free en­trance.
Because of the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, this service has not, or only been intermittently possible. However Kunstblock offer virtual peeks into the continued artistic activity in these institutions. Check the website www.kunstblock.nl for the latest updates.